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【翻译题】-The Holy Rain in the Pure Mountain

来源: 考研网校     2021-05-19 14:35     点击:   次
《空山灵雨》是许地山所作的一本散文集,也是“现代小品文的最初成册的书”;它阐扬平民主义,其小品富含哲理,兼具浓郁的宗教色彩,具有艺术上的独特造诣。其中不少作品都带着若隐若现、迷离惝恍的朦胧,洒脱超逸的语言蕴含着颇费咀嚼的玄理思辨,巧妙的比喻、隐喻,丰富的想象,奇特的构思和某种小说化倾向,别有一番艺术魅力。 参考答案>>>
The Holy Rain in the Pure Mountain The Holy Rain in the Pure Mountain is a prose anthology written by Xu Dishan. It is also the "First Book of Modern Vignettes". It illustrates the ideology of populism. Its vignettes are full of philosophic theories tied together with intense religious characters and unique artistic achievements. Many of the works employ language that is only partially clear, confused and obfuscated, containing metaphysical theory and hard-to-digest speculation, subtle similes, metaphor, peculiar concepts and certain fictionalizing tendencies, which has a spectacularly artistic charm.

