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【翻译题】-The Battlefield of Life and Death

来源: 考研网校     2021-05-19 14:35     点击:   次
《生死场》是萧红早期创作的中篇小说,又名《麦场》,写于1934年9月。小说描写了“九?一八”事变前后,哈尔滨近郊的一个偏僻村庄发生的恩恩怨怨以及村民抗日的故事,字里行间描摹着中国人于生的坚强与死的挣扎。它的发表,促进了中华民族意识的真正觉醒,对坚定中国人民抗击日本侵略的斗志,起到了很大的鼓舞作用。 参考答案>>>
The Battlefield of Life and Death Written in September 1934, The Battlefield of Life and Death, also known as The Wheat Field, is the earliest novella written by Xiao Hong. The novel follows a story revolving around the feelings of resentment and anti-Japanese sentiment leading up to and following the September 18th incident, which happened in a desolate village in the suburbs of Harbin. The subtext of the story portrays the Chinese will to live and the struggles of death. Its publication had great influence and encouragement in the awakening of the Chinese national consciousness to resist the invasion of Japanese.

