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来源: 考研网校     2021-05-19 14:35     点击:   次
高考加分政策是高考中的特长生加分政策,主要为高校招生制度中一些特点人群而制定的。教育部出台的2009年高考加分政策,有“增加20分投档”、“增加10分投档”和“优先录取”3种加分形式。参加高考的学生拥有体育、文艺等方面的专长,又经过了专业部门的测试,在考试成绩之外给予一定的加分,是在目前应试教育体制下,鼓励学生注重全面素质提高的一项措施。 参考答案>>>
College entrance exam bonus points allow students with special talents to pass the national college entrance exam. This bonus system allows colleges to enroll a more diverse group of students. The bonus points system was first implemented in 2009 by the Ministry of Education and has three award types: 20 bonus points, 10 bonus points, or priority admission. Students with exceptional abilities in sports or the arts who can pass tests in their special areas will be awarded bonus points, which encourages students in an exam-oriented environment to focus on developing their comprehensive abilities.

