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来源: 考研网校     2021-05-19 14:35     点击:   次
普通话水平测试是对应试人运用普通话的规范程度的口语考试。全部测试内容均以口头方式进行。普通话水平等级分为三级六等,即一、二、三级,每个级别再分出甲乙两个等次;一级甲等为最高,三级乙等为最低。应试人在运用普通话口语进行表达过程中所表现的语音、词汇、语法规范程度,是评定其所达到的水平等级的重要依据。 参考答案>>>
Putonghua Proficiency Test is an oral test for evaluating the level of speaking mandarin, with all the testing carried out in oral form. The results are divided into three grades and six ranks, first, second, and third grade. Then every grade will be divided into Class A and Class B. Class A of the first grade is the best, and Class B of the third grade is the worst. The exact use of tone, vocabulary, and grammar form the basis for evaluation of the candidates’ mandarin.

