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来源: 考研网校     2021-05-19 14:35     点击:   次
国家司法考试是国家统一组织的从事特定法律职业的资格考试。初任法官、初任检察官和取得律师资格必须通过国家司法考试。国家司法考试主要测试内容包括:理论法学、应用法学、现行法律规定、法律实务和法律职业道德。国家司法考试实行全国统一命题和评卷,通过国家司法考试的人员由司法部统一颁发《法律职业资格证书》。 参考答案>>>
The National Judicial Examination is the qualification examination uniformly organized by the state for those who wish to pursue certain legal profession. Newlyappointed judges, prosectors and those who want to obtain the qualification for lawyer must pass the national judicial examination. Its main test content includes theoretical jurisprudence, applied jurisprudence, existing legal regulations, legal practice, and professional legal moralities. National Judicial Examination was proposed and judged by thestate uniformly. Those who pass the National Judicial Examination obtain the Legal Professional Qualification Certificate issued by the Ministry of Justice of the P.R.C. uniformly.

