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来源: 考研网校     2021-05-19 14:34     点击:   次
对联,中国的传统文化之一,是写在纸、布上或刻在竹子、木头、柱子上的对偶语句。春节时挂的对联叫春联,办丧事的对联叫做挽联,办喜事的对联叫庆联。对联对仗工整,平仄协调,是一字一音的中华语言独特的艺术形式。对联相传起于五代后蜀主孟昶,是中国传统文化瑰宝。2005年,中国国务院把楹联习俗列为第1批国家非物质文化遗产名录。 参考答案>>>
The couplet is a traditional form of Chinese poetry. They are also known as antithetical couplets, but are better described as counterpoints. These sentences are written on papers or cloth, or carved on bamboo, wood, or pillars. A couplet hung during the Spring Festival is called a spring couplet; during funerals, an elegiac couplet; and during weddings, a wedding couplet. With its neat and orderly counterpoints alongside harmonious level and oblique tones, it is a unique form of the Chinese language that uses one word for one tone. History says that the couplet’s origin can be traced back to Meng Chang, ruler of Later Shu of the Five Dynasties?making it a treasure of traditional Chinese culture. In 2005, the traditional couplet was added into the National Intangible Cultural Heritage list by the State Council of China.

