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来源: 考研网校     2021-05-19 14:06     点击:   次


  Suppose you are organising an online meeting. Write an email to Jack, an international student to

  1) Invite him to participate, and

  2) Tell him about the details.

  You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  Do not sign your name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

  Do not write the address.


  Dear Jack,

  On behalf on the Students’ Union, I am honourable to inform you that there will be an online meeting next week. I am writing to ask if you are available to attend the meeting.

  If you are interested in the meeting, the followings are some detailed information for your reference. The theme of the meeting is regarding how to protect our earth. The meeting is scheduled at 9 a.m. on next Friday and will last approximately two hours, including three sessions: participants’ speeches, discussions and our president’s summary. For each participant, it is suggested that the individual speech should be controlled within 15 minutes. More importantly, since the meeting will be held via the Internet, it is necessary to prepare your personal computer or mobile phone with stable Internet.

  I sincerely hope that you can give us the honour to participate in the meeting. Your prompt attention to my email will be highly appreciated and I am looking forward to your reply.

  Sincerely yours,



  今年考研英二的作文题目相对简单,考查的是电子邮件,属于书信类型,要求考生写一封邀请信,邀请国际学生Jack, 参加网络会议。建议信的考查频率无疑是考研历年真题中频率最高额。分别在英一07年,09年,13年,14年以及英二11年,16年,19年,20年全都有所涉及,考查建议信的常用英语写法。建议信写作时,参考一般顺序。第一段:介绍自己(陌生人)+表明写作目的;第二段:具体给出拟定的讨论话题并给出缘由;第三段:表达客套性内容以及期待。


